Tuesday 29 September 2015

Year 3 WW2 Experience

Our Year 3 pupils - who have been studying World War 2 - benefitted from a workshop experience with soldiers from the conflict.

First they experienced a play, which told the story of Sergeant Tull's time on the front line. The children were exploring how Sergeant Tull felt being away from home and how it felt whilst  bombs were going off.   Throughout the play the actors explained the background of WW2 as well as the key details of the conflict.

Afterwards the children go to handle artefacts that soldiers would have used during the war and objects they would have taken with them to remind them of home (pictures of famous movie stars, books, biscuits).

"My favourite part was being able to handle some of the weapons from the war. We looked at the different types of grenade and guns that were used on either side"
Fabian Cacaj

Finally the children took on roles as evacuees and soldiers who were under attack on the front line.

"We had to pretend that we were preparing our uniform, checking our weapons, going over the top, avoiding on coming fire, a grenade being thrown and going off, gas bomb being thrown and searching for surviving comrades after the attack." 
Ramone Holme Slater

The reenactment finished with the children saluting the flag.

"It made me realise how scared the evacuees must have been as they were sent away from their homes. We were on a train when a bomb went off. When we heard the siren we were scrabbling to put our gas masks on... I felt really scared!"
Olivia Wheal

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