Thursday 28 August 2014

Shakespeare Comes To Broadford

Year 5&6 pupils studied Macbeth for their Summer term literacy project and used the work of William Shakespeare as inspiration for a whole range of activities. It became the centre piece for their end of year show, pupils created clay models and artwork based on the themes and plot of the tale and we had a visit from the Sky Blue theatre company.

Once the morning workshops had finished the action spilled out onto the playground where Mercutio was confronted by Tybalt underneath the gazebo. Here they battled for family pride before Mercutio was brutally stabbed by his foe. Once word got round the playground of the epic battle that was taking place, there was only standing room left!

"I loved the Shakespeare battle at lunch time. It was so funny hearing how they would insult each other in old English!" Sophie Nickson - Year 4

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