Sunday 29 June 2014

Fact Hunters: Koalas, spiders & rats

Jessica Simpson
Australian scientists measured the temperatures of tree trunks and found that on days as hot as 39C, the trees were up to seven degrees cooler than the air. Koalas use the trees as a heat sink to cool down – that’s why they hug them.

Caitlin Bowden
A dog's skin is quite different to ours. Most of the dog's sweat glands are located around its foot pads. When a dog is overheated, you will sometimes see a trail of wet footprints. The principal mechanism a dog uses to cool himself involves panting with his mouth open.

Tolu Erinle & Emma Groom
In 2013, a new species of tarantula, as big as a human face, was discovered in northern Sri Lanka! Imagine finding that in your bed.

Jessica Peppitt
After the horse meat scandal in this country, you might think it minor compared to the one in China. There, restaurant owners have been caught passing rat meat off as lamb… disgusting!

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