Tuesday 18 March 2014

Fact Hunters: Rats, nails and cockroaches

Martin Wicher
Fingernails grow about three to four times faster than toenails. The nails on your dominant hand grow faster than those on your other hand, and nails grow faster on your longest fingers as well. Fingernails also grow more quickly in the summer.

Did you know that the kangaroo rat is able to survive in the desert with virtually no drinking water. How? Its kidneys produce the most concentrated urine of all mammals, and only pass a few drops per day.

Jacob Owsley
Gustave Eiffel was the man responsible for designing the Eiffel Tower. When it was built it was the highest structure in the world. To get to the top you have to climb 1,665 steps

Callum Watson
Amazingly cockroaches have teeth in their stomachs. And don’t try to play ‘Tag’ with one. A cockroach can change directions up to 25 times in a second!

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