Sunday 1 December 2013

Anti Bullying Week: Workshops & Wristbands

At Broadford Primary we celebrated National Anti Bullying Week by giving away 'Beat Bullying' wrist bands to every pupil. In addition to this the school had a theatre workshop for every class which looked at how bullying can take different forms. Reception pupils learnt about all the skills they need to be a good friend, while pupils from Key Stage 2 completed a workshop specially designed for anti-bullying week 2013.

"We chose this company because their materials helped the children to think about their role in creating a future without bullying. At Broadford Primary we have promoted the use of social media as a positive communication tool. Int their drama activities the older children had to demonstrate how new technologies can be used to promote their own positive communication rather than letting cyberbullying ruin the experience for them." Miss Taylor - PSHCElead teacher.

The School Council had to prepare a briefing for each class to reinforce the key messages for e-Safety and how they are important for preventing bullying.

"In our school we have three jobs. Turn up every day, do your best and be kind and polite. We need to make sure we are kind and polite when we use our phones and computers too." Tobi Adelowo, aged 11, School Council Chair

During the course of the week the children re-signed their Anti Bullying behaviour contracts, took part in an Anti Bullying assembly and completed some in class follow up activities. The message from all the children came through loud and clear 'Together we can beat bullying!'.

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